AI Redefines SEO Tactics and Outreach

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, the landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) is undergoing a profound transformation, necessitating a shift in strategies for businesses aiming to maintain visibility and relevance online.
Publish Date
May 12, 2024
Marketing Strategy
Joe Rattacasa

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, the landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) is undergoing a profound transformation, necessitating a shift in strategies for businesses aiming to maintain visibility and relevance online. This blog post draws on insights from recent industry reports and expert opinions to guide enterprises in adapting to AI-driven changes in search technology, focusing on Google's integration of AI into its search algorithms.

The Impact of AI on Search Engines

AI's influence on search engines, particularly Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE), is redefining the core mechanisms of SEO. According to BrightEdge's analysis, Google's SGE is set to affect over $40 billion per year in ad revenue, with an estimated 84% of queries on Google Search being boosted by generative AI​​. This new model not only prioritizes the context, sentiment, intent, and nuances of each search query but also aims to provide a more conversational, advice-driven interaction with users. For instance, a search query about a specific car model might now return AI-generated content summarizing key considerations such as maintenance costs or supply chain constraints, marking a shift from static query responses to dynamic, two-way conversations​​.

Adapting SEO Strategies for AI

Quality Content Over Quantity

 In the era of AI, the emphasis on high-quality, authoritative content has intensified. The E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) framework by Google highlights the importance of content created by experienced individuals, stressing originality, comprehensiveness, and accuracy​​. Businesses must prioritize creating valuable content that resonates with their audience's needs and search intents, moving beyond mere keyword optimization to delivering insightful, engaging, and user-centric information. According to this article by CMS Wire "The focus may shift toward creating content that aligns more closely with natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU), aiming to directly answer queries in a way that a generative AI might prioritize."

Technical Insights & Data Points

  • The introduction of Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) and its emphasis on AI-enhanced content quality necessitates a pivot towards more nuanced, informative content. This approach underscores the importance of delivering depth, as seen with the 84% of queries anticipated to be influenced by generative AI tools, highlighting the significant impact on industries like healthcare, e-commerce, and B2B technology​​.

AI SEO Content Recommendations

  1. Develop content that aligns with Google’s E-E-A-T criteria, emphasizing firsthand experiences and expert insights to stand out in AI-driven search results​​.
  2. Prioritize original research, case studies, and user-generated content to provide unique value that generative AI can reference, enhancing your content's visibility and authority.

Leveraging Generative AI

While AI transforms how search engines operate, it also provides new SEO tools for practitioners. Generative AI tools can assist in content creation, internal linking strategies, and even in generating website metadata and tailored calls-to-action​​. However, it's crucial to maintain a balance, ensuring that AI-generated content is fact-checked, refined by experts, and aligns with the brand's voice and user expectations.

AI SEO Recommendations

  1. Use AI to identify content gaps and user query trends, creating content that addresses emerging interests and questions.
  2. Implement AI-driven SEO tools to optimize site architecture and internal linking, ensuring seamless user navigation and improved content discoverability.

Domain and Brand Authority

The evolving algorithms place a renewed focus on domain and brand authority, which now encapsulates a brand's influence across multiple channels. As Google de-emphasizes backlinks and shifts towards evaluating a myriad of signals from social interactions to content quality, businesses must work towards establishing a strong, integrated online presence​​. This involves consistent engagement across various platforms, collaboration with influencers, and a commitment to authenticity and transparency in all communications. Gary Illyes, an analyst on the Google Search team says "I think they are important, but I think people overestimate the importance of links. I don’t agree it’s in the top three. It hasn’t been for some time.”

  • As Google’s updates favor high-quality content, domain authority and quality content have become interlinked, with a focus on a domain’s total brand strength and its influence across digital marketing channels​​.

Brand Authority Recommendations

  1. Enhance your brand’s digital footprint across various channels, including social media and forums, to build a comprehensive brand authority that AI algorithms recognize.
  2. Foster partnerships and collaborations to amplify your brand’s reach and domain authority, leveraging shared audiences and mutual credibility.

Navigating AI's Opinionated Nature

With Artificial Intelligence potentially injecting opinion into search results, brands need to be proactive in managing their online reputation and ensuring their value proposition is clearly communicated. This includes actively monitoring and responding to reviews, as well as optimizing content to highlight strengths and address any common concerns or misconceptions​​.

  • AI's capacity to synthesize information and present synthesized opinions necessitates a proactive approach to reputation management and content accuracy​​.

AI in SEO Recommendations

  • Monitor AI-generated summaries and user-generated content closely to ensure brand messaging remains consistent and positive.
  • Create content that addresses potential criticisms or questions upfront, using AI to simulate potential user queries and prepare comprehensive responses.


As Artificial Intelligence continues to shape the future of search, businesses must embrace these changes, leveraging AI's capabilities to enhance their SEO strategies while ensuring their content remains relevant, authoritative, and aligned with user intent. The transition to AI-driven search offers both challenges and opportunities, pushing companies to innovate and think creatively about how to connect with their audiences in meaningful ways. By adopting a forward-thinking approach and staying informed about the latest industry trends, businesses can navigate the evolving digital landscape successfully and maintain their competitive edge.

AI & SEO: Starter Checklist

To effectively prepare for and thrive in the age of AI-driven search, it's crucial to evaluate existing SEO and marketing strategies against the backdrop of rapid technological advancements in AI indexing. This short checklist provides a framework for understanding the shifts occurring, and outlines actionable steps for adapting to these changes.

1. Keyword Optimization

  • Previous Tactic: Focusing on specific keywords and phrases for SEO ranking.
  • How It's Changing: Keyword stuffing is becoming less effective as AI prioritizes user intent and context over exact keyword matches.
  • Moving Forward: Shift towards topic clusters and semantic search optimization. Use natural language processing (NLP) tools to understand related topics and queries. Develop content that addresses user questions comprehensively.

2. Content Creation

  • Previous Tactic: Creating content primarily aimed at ranking well in search engines, often leading to formulaic and repetitive articles.
  • How It's Changing: AI values originality, depth, and relevance more than ever. It's proficient in identifying and prioritizing high-quality, informative content.
  • Moving Forward: Invest in research to produce insightful and authoritative content. Chief Strategy officer and co-founder of Pantheon told CMSWire “For SEO it’s really all about what Google is doing, and in that case the thing to focus on is nailing technical SEO and putting out authoritative content.” Utilize AI tools for content ideation that covers a broader scope of related topics. Emphasize E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) principles in all content creation.

4. Backlink Strategy

  • Previous Tactic: Acquiring as many backlinks as possible to improve search rankings, regardless of the linking site's relevance or authority.
  • How It's Changing: AI algorithms now evaluate the quality and relevance of backlinks more sophisticatedly, diminishing the value of low-quality links.
  • New Methods: Focus on earning high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites within the same niche. Engage in genuine community building, content partnerships, and guest blogging with reputable platforms.

5. Visual and Video Content

  • Previous Tactic: Treating visual content as supplementary to text-based information.
  • How It's Changing: AI's ability to understand and index visual and video content is enhancing the importance of multimedia in search rankings.
  • Moving Forward: Optimize all visual and video content with descriptive, keyword-rich titles, subtitles, and alt texts. Leverage video hosting platforms' SEO features and include transcriptions. Invest in high-quality, informative video content that addresses user queries.

Adapting to the AI-driven changes in search requires not just an understanding of what's changing but also a willingness to innovate and experiment with new strategies. By staying informed and agile, businesses can navigate the evolving landscape effectively and maintain a competitive edge.


Clark, S. (2024, March 24). Mastering SEO in AI-Driven Searches.

Forbes. (2024, March 20). How Google’s AI Search Will Change Marketing Strategy. Forbes.

Haughey, K. (2023, October 30). Adjusting SEO for AI: Why 2024 calls for a people-first approach. PR Daily.

Sheena, J. (2024, March 21). Get ready: Generative AI is already transforming SEO marketing efforts. Marketing Brew.

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